What is the Stroll for Liver?
The Stroll for Liver is the Canadian Liver Foundation’s annual national walk event, typically hosted in various communities across Canada. Participants join teams and raise critical funds for research, care and support for the 1 in 4 that may be affected by liver disease in Canada.
In 2022, this event will be a virtual event where participants can “stroll” however they like walking, running, cycling and more to virtually cover the distance it would take to go across Canada! In some locations there will also be an in-person event on Stroll Day- August 28, to celebrate your efforts.
What is the difference between this year’s virtual walk and past events?
In previous years, our Stroll events would happen in-person at locations across Canada. However, now we are hosting this event virtually, with some locations hosting a celebration also on August 28th.
Participants can fundraise online between May 30, 2022 and the Stroll day August 29, 2021 for their teams.
Leading up to the Stroll, we will share stories and host virtual activities to engage our Stroll community and bring us together online. On August 28, 2022, we will deliver an opening ceremony via Facebook Live, and our Stroll participants are invited to spend the day doing an activity of their choice with their families or attending an in-person stroll event (in participating cities). In 2021, participants did everything from hiking to cycling on the day of the Stroll to show their participation.
When is the 2022 Stroll for Liver?
The 2022 Stroll for Liver will take place on August 28, 2022.
When can I register for the Stroll for Liver?
Registration for the Stroll opens May 30, 2022.
Where can I register for the Stroll for Liver?
Visit www.liver.ca/stroll-for-liver to register for the event or contact your local region for offline assistance.
Is there a minimum fundraising amount or registration fee?
There is a $10.00 registration fee for adults and a $5.00 registration fee for children. Registration fees go directly to supporting administrative costs for the event.
My Participant/Team Centre
How do I access my participant or team centre?
Follow these steps to login to your Participant Centre:
- Click the login button which is located at the top right corner of the page you are visiting.
- Enter your username and password. You will be directed to your Participant Centre once you are logged in.
- If you are the team captain, you will have access to the team page in your participant centre.
How do I join a team after registration?
You can join a team from your participant centre:
- Login to your participant centre
- Click on the profile tab
- Select the event options tab
- Scroll down to the Change Team Membership box and select the Join a Team radio button
- Search for a team to join
How do I edit my Participant or Team page?
Things to consider:
- Personal and Team Fundraising Pages have default content when you register for an event. However, we highly recommend that you personalize your page(s) to tell your own (or your team’s) story and why the event is important to you.
- Only team captains will have access to edit the Team Fundraising Page from their Participant Centre.
STEP 1: Login to your Participant Centre
STEP 2: Click on the “Me” or “My Team” tab, located above your fundraising progress, depending on which page you want to edit (Remember if you are not a Team Captain, you will not see the Team Page tab.
STEP 3: On the right panel you can select to customize your Personal Page URL, edit your page title and content, or update the media (photo/video).
Some things to consider:
- Please be sure your photo is saved as a JPG, GIF, or PNG file type.
- Files must be smaller than 4 megabytes.
- Only YouTube video links are supported.
- You may choose either a photo or a video link, but not both.
- You can add a different photo and video link on your Personal Fundraising Page, and if you’re a team captain, on your Team Fundraising Page.
How do I change my personal goal through my participant centre?
Follow these steps to update your goal in your Participant Centre:
- Login to your participant centre. Click "Progress" tab, then click “Personal” button.
- Next to “My Goal”, click “Change”.
- Enter your new goal in the space provided and click “Submit”.
How do I change my team goal through my participant centre?
You have to be a Team Captain to change your team goal.
Follow these steps to update your goal in your Participant Centre:
- Login to your participant centre. Click "Progress" tab, then click "Team" button.
- Next to "Team Goal”, click “Change”.
- Enter your new team goal in the space provided and click “Submit”.
How do I import my contacts from my email account?
Contacts from your Gmail or Yahoo account can be uploaded to your Participant Centre, for all other email providers, see “How can I import my contacts by CSV file?”.
STEP 1: Login to your Participant Centre
STEP 2: On your Participant Centre home page and click the “Email” tab to access the Email functionality.
STEP 3: Click “Contacts” in the links on the right-side of the screen.
STEP 4: Click “Import Contacts”.
STEP 5: Choose the button next to either Gmail or Yahoo and click “Next”.
STEP 6: Login to your Yahoo or Gmail email account to link to the Participant Centre. Yahoo or Google may request for you to authorize access. Click “Allow access” so that you confirm permission for your Participant Centre to access your email contacts.
STEP 7: Select Contacts to Import. You can opt to import ALL of your contacts from your email address book. Click the check box next to the email addresses of the contacts you want to import into your Participant Centre. Then, click the “Next” button.
STEP 8: Confirm and complete a final review of the contacts that will be imported. Review your imported email addresses. If you have any duplicates to resolve, be sure to review:
- Add: add to your import for your Participant Centre Contacts
- Update: Modify a current contact you have in your Participant Centre Contacts
- Ignore: Do not add this contact to your Participant Centre Contacts
STEP 9: After you click “Finished” on the bottom of the page, you’re ready to start sending some emails.
How can I import my contacts by CSV file?
You have the option to import your email contacts by CSV file.
What is a CSV File?
A CSV, or comma-separated values, is a type of file that allows you to enter data in a table-structured format or spreadsheet. You will need a program like Microsoft Excel or Windows Notepad to create the file to upload in your Participant Centre.
If you have a lot of email contacts that you’d like to migrate into your Participant Centre, creating a CSV file for upload may be easier and save you time instead of manually entering each email contact.
STEP 1: Prepare your CSV file.
- Export your contacts list or address book from your email service that you use (follow your service provider’s instructions to complete this step)
- Create a new CSV file using a text editor (such as Microsoft Windows Notepad) or a spreadsheet application (such as Microsoft Excel) that lets you save a document as a .CSV file type.
- Create three column headings: First, Last, Email
- Then, on the subsequent lines, enter the first name, last name and email address of each contact. (You can copy and paste this from the export that you did).
For example, your document would look like:
First, Last, Email
Jane, Smith, janesmith@email.com
John, Smith, johnsmith@email.com
STEP 2: Login to your Participant Centre
STEP 3: On your Participant Centre home page and click the “Email” tab to access the Email functionality.
STEP 4: Click “Contacts” in the links on the right-side of the screen.
STEP 5: Click “Import Contacts”
STEP 6: Choose the button next to “File-based import for…”. Next, browse your computer to find your prepared CSV file. Once you select your file, you’ll see the file name on the screen.
STEP 7: Click “Next” to continue.
STEP 8: Preview the contacts from your file and ensure they are mapped to the correct fields (i.e., first name, last name, email address). Click NEXT.
STEP 9: Select Contacts to Import. In most cases you’ll want to import all of the contacts that are in your uploaded file. To do so, select the button that says all.
Or…if you only want to select certain contacts to transfer over, check the “Select box” next to the individuals that you do want in your Participant Centre contacts.
STEP 10: SUCCESS! You will see a green text box indicate that your contacts were successfully imported to your address book. You’re ready to start sending some emails!
How do I personalize the email templates and send out to my contacts through the Participant Centre?
To send out a personalized email via the Participant Centre:
- Login to your participant centre. Click the "Email" tab, click the "Compose" button.
- Select the appropriate email template from the dropdown list that appears on screen. Click "Next".
- Edit the templated message to personalize it. A link to your personal fundraising page will automatically be included at the bottom of each message when it is sent.
- When you are finished editing your message, click "Next" to select your recipients and/or import your contacts.
- After you've selected your recipients, click "Next" to see a preview of your message and click "Send".
How do I add a Blog Post to my Personal Page?
To add a blog post to your page:
- Login to your participant centre. Once in the participant centre, navigate to your personal fundraising url and click to access the page.
- Scroll to the bottom of your personal fundraising page and locate "My Personal Blog" Section.
- Click on "Topics". This will open the blog post section for subject and comment.
- Add your subject and comment, and click post.
- Now everyone can see what activities you've completed!
How do I send emails asking for donations through the fundraising hub?
After logging in, click on the “Send an Email” tab on the left-hand menu of your Participant Centre. You can either choose the template we have created for you or customize your own. Then, you can enter email addresses of the people you want to reach out to in the box provided or click on View/Add Contacts to import from an existing email contact list. If you choose to customize the email, make sure you click “save” before sending it out that way it will be there for you next time you choose to send an email.
How do I thank my donors through the fundraising hub?
After logging in, select “Thank your Donors” tab on the left-hand panel and then click on “Unthanked Donors”. To send out a thank you email, select recipients, edit the text of your thank you email and select preview & send.
I’m a team captain, how do I email my team?
You can send an email to your whole team through your Participant Centre. Click on “Team”, and then select “Email Team” from the left-hand menu.
How do I enter offline funds (cash and cheques) to show on my thermometer?
Login to your Participant Centre, scroll down to the “Fundraising” section and then select the “Add” button on the left-hand menu, and you can record offline donations from an individual or from an organization. For organizations: input the organization's full name in the “First Name” box and a period (.) in the “Last Name” box. Once these donations are recorded, they will appear on your thermometer. You will still be required to hand these donations in, along with a completed pledge form to ensure your donations are properly tax receipted. (Request a pledge form from the location coordinator.)
Where do I send my offline donations (cash or cheques)?
Please mail in cash and cheque donations with your pledge form to your regional office address:
- British Columbia: Canadian Liver Foundation - BC Chapter, Suite 109, 828 West 8th Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5Z 1E2
- Alberta: Canadian Liver Foundation - AB Chapter, Suite 309, 1010 1 Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 7W7
- Saskatchewan/Manitoba: Canadian Liver Foundation - MB Chapter, Box 1583, Lac du Bonnet, MB R0E 1A0
- Ottawa & Eastern Ontario: Canadian Liver Foundation - Ottawa Chapter, 2647 Alta Vista Dr., Suite 641 Ottawa, ON K1V 7T5
For all other locations, send them to the CLF National Office: Canadian Liver Foundation, 101 - 3100 Steeles Ave E, Markham, ON L3R 8T3. Make sure to include your details on the pledge form.
Where’s my tax receipt?
When you make a donation online, a tax receipt is automatically issued via email. Please be sure to check your junk or promotions folder if you don’t receive the receipt right away. If you donated via cash or a cheque to a Stroll participant, please allow 6-8 weeks after the date of the event for the donation to be receipted.
If you haven’t received a tax receipt, submit a request to Judy Thompson (jthompson@liver.ca)