Why Stroll?

The STROLL for LIVER is the Canadian Liver Foundation’s (CLF) annual national walk event, typically hosted in various communities across Canada. Participants join teams and raise critical funds for research, care and support for the 1 in 4 that may be affected by liver disease in Canada.

Our mandate is to promote liver health and reduce the incidence and impact of liver disease by providing support for research and education into the causes, diagnoses, prevention, and treatment of liver disease. When you join the STROLL for LIVER, you join the thousands of Canadians across the country who are committed to supporting this critical, life-saving work.

In 2022, this event will take place via a virtual event where participants can “stroll” however they like walking, running, cycling and more all count!

“We are proud to honour Larry’s memory in doing our part to fundraise, and we need to continue this work to find answers and treatments for liver disease. By fundraising for the CLF and participating in the STROLL for LIVER, we can continue supporting investing in life-saving research, patient support, advocacy work, and educating Canadians on monitoring and managing their own liver health.”
Rita Helmig, STROLL Participant

Rita Helmig

Your Impact

Funding Research

The CLF proudly funds Canada’s top liver experts as well as promising new investigators and trainees who will carry on this country’s research legacy, all thanks to your donations. Through grants, partnerships and projects funded by you, we are bringing liver research to life for all Canadians.

Community Support

A cornerstone of our work is the community support we’re able to provide to the many Canadians affected by liver disease. Your donations and participation in the STROLL for LIVER helps us continue to fund our National Help Line, a resource that gives people somewhere to turn for answers after diagnosis, helps them understand their disease, and provides them with the resources they need. Donations also fund community programs like our LIVERight Health Forum and Living With Liver Disease support groups. You also help us raise the visibility and awareness of the Peer Support Network, a national network of people living with liver disease that have offered to share their experiences with others.

Education & Advocacy

Participating in the STROLL and donating to the CLF also helps us continue creating and sharing educational resources that cover over 100 different liver diseases. From webinars to important awareness campaigns, in-depth information and resources on our websites, and in-school education about liver disease, your support helps us ensure all Canadians know and understand the breadth and impact of liver disease.